The mind of organic man is embryonic, and must be developed beyond natural human levels of comprehension in order to begin to understand man's own higher Soul-Realty.  My Soul lived as Jacob who they call James, the Brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus -- and in that life I authored the core original Gospel written in Hebrew Characters.  That the original Gospel taught the pre-existent Soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lives, is easily proven at The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On Reincarnation .  Which teaching was suppressed and corrupted by a series of Roman Emperors (see Christianity Today:  The Religion Of Roman Emperors ).  Thus, how can I argue with those who believe they know more than the I do as the Original Author of the Gospels?  Therefore, you cannot force someone to comprehend what they are not yet ready to receive.  Still, you must never underestimate the power of Planting A Seed.

Today, only a handful of people who open the scriptures have any understanding of why the authors composed these sacred writings, or the purpose and objective of the scriptures.  Who was Jesus?  Man, Myth or God?   Theologian Albert Schweitzer suggested that there will never be one answer to that question.   He said that looking for Jesus in history is like looking down a well: You see only your own reflection.  The “real” Jesus, Schweitzer says, will remain “a stranger and an enigma”.   While what Albert Schweitzer stated is true with respect to those who even imagine that they know who Jesus was by reading a book -- this day Schweitzer has been proven wrong.   Why?   How?   Because this day one whose Soul lived in the first century was sent back into this world to restore the Original Gospel Teachings -- which can be found at .   Because the Lord has heard the prayers of believers and their desire for greater knowledge and understanding of the Gospel, and the Soul who authored one of the foundational primary Gospel accounts was dispatched back into the world -- and has revealed the truth with respect to the nature and reality of these Gospel accounts that have remained an enigma for nearly 2000 years -- those who open their Bibles are now in a position to understand the original purpose and objectives of the Gospel account.    And most importantly, those who begin to properly apply the Key of Knowledge to both the scriptures, and then to the enigma of life itself, will be able to confirm the great truths that will be revealed herein. 

The scriptures were not written for people to read and believe -- but rather, as a guide for the prodigal sons and daughters to travail in TheWay, and make the inner journey to return to the Edenic Kingdom.  And the Gospels do this through the transformation of the mind in pursuit of Wholeness of Mind and Being. 

The Gospel teaches that this world is the Far Country or Outer Darkness of Mind and Being -- see

The Gospel teachings that organic man cannot comprehend his own higher Soul-Reality -- see Animal-Soul

The Gospels have little historical value -- they are an allegorical portrayal of man's own mind -- see The Cosmology Of The Gospels

The Gospels were corrupted and the most important teachings suppressed -- but the Original Teachings have been restored --

In order to make the Gospels useable to mankind in his immature undeveloped consciousness, they are allegorical writings with a quasi-historical facade -- The Process of Re-Engineering Beliefs, Myths & Folklore .

It is impossible for man to understand the spiritual meaning of the Gospel, without living the necessary lifestyle that will bring about his physical and mental transformation -- The Spiritual Holistic Lifestyle http://BrotherOfJesus#TheSpiritualHolisticLifestyle

Subject Matter Index Links --


The Only Eyewitness Account

What you will read in the above links could only have -- and was -- written by a first-century witness who was present when the historical person known as Jesus walked the face of the earth (see - OR - ) -- and was sent back into this world as a guide for those seekers of Truth who prepare themselves to come to TheCall ( ).  Not only was I there in the first century, but I authored the Core Gospel in Hebrew Characters ( ).  And while there are historical facts and quotations presented herein, these facts and quotations are only used to confirm the great truths that are being set before you.  If you believe you know Jesus -- or understand the scriptures -- then you will be confronted by facts that have been suppressed and kept from you by the corrupt political forces that have ruled over the Church. 

Who was Jesus? Man, Myth or God? Theologian Albert Schweitzer suggested that there will never be one answer to that question. He said that looking for Jesus in history is like looking down a well: You see only your own reflection. The “real” Jesus, Schweitzer says, will remain “a stranger and an enigma”. While what Albert Schweitzer stated is true with respect to those who even imagine that they know who Jesus was by reading a book -- this day Schweitzer has been proven wrong. Why? How? Because this day one who has in the more distant past authored one of the foundational primary Gospel accounts, is here to reveal to you the truth with respect to the nature and reality of these Gospel accounts that have remained an enigma for nearly 2000 years. And most importantly, those who begin to properly apply the Key of Knowledge to both the scriptures, and then to the enigma of life itself, will be able to confirm the great truths that will be revealed herein.

If you are unwilling to read, discern and contemplate what will be set before you herein, then you will be confronted by these same facts and realities when you get to the hereafter.  What follows is in answer to the countless prayers for greater truth and understanding of the scriptures.  And while the Holy Spirit and the Son of God wants to open a door of communication with all believers, you must yourself choose to listen -- and to listen, you have to travail along TheWay that leads to Truth and the Kingdom.  You can't serve two Masters -- i.e., you can't embrace the man-made dogma of the carnal men of this world -- and be moved by the Holy Spirit to hear the eternal voice of the Son of God.  Quoting Book II of the Imitation of Christ:  "'THE kingdom of God is within you,' says the Lord. Turn, then, to God with all your heart. Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest. Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself to those that are within, and you will see the kingdom of God come unto you, that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, gifts not given to the impious.  Christ will come to you offering His consolation, if you prepare a fit dwelling for Him in your heart, whose beauty and glory, wherein He takes delight, are all from within. His visits with the inward man are frequent, His communion sweet and full of consolation, His peace great, and His intimacy wonderful indeed. Therefore, faithful soul, prepare your heart for this Bridegroom that He may come and dwell within you; He Himself says: 'If any one love Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and will make Our abode with him.' Give place, then, to Christ, but deny entrance to all others, for when you have Christ you are rich and He is sufficient for you. He will provide for you. He will supply your every want, so that you need not trust in frail, changeable men. Christ remains forever, standing firmly with us to the end."